Exploring dynamic routing techniques in Next.js

Proposal Details
Talk Description

My talk will cover building a multipage site using Next.js utlilizng the dynamic routes, which is one of the core feature of Next.js

In normal React App its very difficult to setup dynamic routes as we have to install external routing libraries and configure them. Nextjs makes it simple and how is it simple? The talk will focus on that.

Proposal Overview
0 People Approved this Proposal
3 People Rejected this Proposal
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Approvability of proposal
https://nextjs.org/docs/pages/building-your-application/routing/dynamic-routes No need for this talk
Rejected sphericalkat 1 month ago
Too basic for a talk.
Rejected mangesh 1 month ago
Basic and the docs are self-explanatory.
Rejected delta231 1 month ago